With top-of-the-line equipments our procedure of capturing aerial photography has been flawless; producing high-quality imagery while delivering excellent photogrammetric service.
Aerial Photography
DMI provides high quality digital imagery acquisition with flight planning experience. Before capturing aerial imagery, our experienced pilots forecast the weather for ideal conditions, also with the help of our crew members we make sure factors like camera settings, altitude, sun-angle, and camera exposure stations are all adjusted to the correct settings. During the post-processing stage, our experienced lab-technicians proficiently use advanced technologies to produce and deliver high quality images to our clients; with DMI combined skill-sets we are able to handle from small scale exposure jobs to large scale and multi state projects.
Delivery / Imagery Resolution
DMI offers aerial imagery in different rendered formats and resolution sizes. Our technicians can generate different products such as photo mosaics, rectified orthophotos, and digital aerial image files.